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sem flestallir vissu. Jóhanna Gušrśn valin besta söngkonan ķ Eurovision  2009



The 2009 esctoday.com Award for Best female vocal performance goes to...

  • ...Yohanna of Iceland

Yohanna represented Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest, won the first semi final and finished second in the final with her song Is it true?.

You can find the list of all award results revealed so far this year here

The complete results

Getting about one third of the votes, Yohanna won this category ahead of Patricia Kaas, who has already taken home the trophy for Best female performance

  1. Yohanna (Iceland) - 33.4%
  2. Patricia Kaas (France) - 22.7%
  3. Jade Ewen (United Kingdom) - 19.1%
  4. Malena Ernman - 15.6% 
  5. Chiara (Malta) - 9.3%

Bakraddirnar unnu sinn rišil:

The complete results

The Icelandic team was the clear winner of this category ahead of the singers and dancers from Norway. The other three nominees are very close to each other with a tie for third place between Ukraine and Sweden. 

  1. Iceland - 36.9%
  2. Norway - 23.1%
  3. Sweden - 13.4%
    Ukraine - 13.4%
  4. Turkey - 13.2%

Best backing performers award.

The 2009 esctoday.com Award for Best backing performers goes to...



  • Erna Hrönn Ólafsdóttir, Hera Björk, Frišrik Ómar, Hallgrķmur Jensson and Börkur Birgisson  supported Icelandic singer Yohanna on stage when she represented Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest this year, won the first semi final and finished second in the final with the song Is it true?.

You can find the list of all award results revealed so far this year here


Glęsilegt. Til hamingju öll.

Til hamingju Ķsland!

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1 Smįmynd: Sigmar Žór Sveinbjörnsson

Heill og sęll Elias Bloggvinur, aušvitaš er hśn best žaš sįu allir  hśn var landi og žjóš til sóma. Vonandi aš viš veršum heppinn nęst žegar viš veljum fólk til aš fara ķ nęstu keppni.

Sendi žér og žķnum góšar óskir um glešilegt nżtt įr og hafiš žaš alltaf sem best. Kęr kvešja

Sigmar Žór Sveinbjörnsson, 4.1.2010 kl. 22:00

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